Swinging at Driving Range

21 02 2009

I always feel curious and excited about playing golf. This morning, I woke up @6.30 am, then picked uncle Hugh up (He is a missionary from Hawaii and usually plays golf ). Today he gave me and my sis some golf’s lesson at Graha Family. We played driving range for begginer. Basically, we had to learn how to swing the stick. “When you are trying to hit the ball, you won’t get the best shot. Just swing your stick naturally (no need much power), and you will get the best”, uncle Hugh said. I’ve learned grabbing the stick properly, twisting my body (this was the harderst part, I’ve to practice a lot for this). I also had to keep my left arm straight and bend my knees a bit while swinging. Meanwhile, I had to keep my eye stay focused to the ball. Fiuhhh…. It was very tiring and very difficult to get “the natural swing”, but once you get “the swing”, you are ready for the next step. Overall, golf is quite exciting for me… I ll try playing again next time ^.^

Rite now, I’m planning to take tennis course for my routine 😉  Wish me luck..

Hang Zhou, China – January 2009

21 02 2009

Wu Xi, China – January 2009

21 02 2009

Su Zhou, China – January 2009

21 02 2009

Shanghai, China – January 2009

21 02 2009